The family
Discodorididae includes flattened dorids with tubercles, papillae or
caryophyllidia on the notum. Most are cryptic and nocturnal. It was
recently revised to
include the families Archidorididae, Asteronotidae, Kentrodorididae,
Platydorididae, and Rostangidae. It is the largest nudibranch family in
Hawaii with about 65 known species in 15 genera (Asteronotus, Atagema, Carminodoris, Diaulula, Discodoris, Geitodoris, Halgerda, Hiatodoris, Jorunna, Otinodoris, Paradoris, Peltodoris, Platydoris, Rostanga, Sclerodoris, and Thordisa).
The animal referred to as
"Another rigid
species with broad thin margins..." on page 182 of Edmondson, 1946 is
probably in this family but is likely unassignable. Dai Mar Tamarack
sent a photo of an animal that may turn out to be an additional species
of Rostanga. However, it requires confirmation.