Additional Photos

2nd animal

3rd animal



young _______________

Paradoris sp. #1

Maximum size: about 19 mm.
This is a flat species with small, irregular papillae tipped with
cream. There are a few scattered dark brown papillae and the
rhinophores have a few brown flecks. Young animals may lack the cream pigment.
Natural history:
Paradoris sp. #1
is known from eight animals. The two found by Scott Johnson on
Oahu were at highly exposed rocky sites. Another was found at 9 m (30
ft) at Kahoolawe. A third was found in rubble at about 1.5 m (5 ft).
Maui, Kahoolawe and Oahu.
Taxonomic notes:
This is the unnamed Paradoris
represented by the specimen CASIZ 072185 in Dayrat (2006). It was first
recorded in Hawaii from Kaena Point, Oahu by Scott Johnson on
July 19, 1984.
Photo: 9-11
mm: Scott
Johnson: Kaena Point, Oahu, July 19, 1984.
Observations and comments:
1: ( )