convenience, we've broken this section into two
parts. The first lists
major guides to opisthobranchs that are available to
the general public
and other texts that we've found useful over the
years. The second
lists papers cited elsewhere on the site.
Abbott, Isabella A.
& Hohn M. Huisman. 2004. Marine
Green and Brown
Algae of the Hawaiian Islands. Bishop Museum Pr.,
Honolulu. 259 pp.
Barns, Robert D. 1987. Invertebrate Zoology
(4th edition). W. B.
Company, Philadelphia. 893 pp.
Behrens, David W.
Behavior. New World Publications,
Jacksonville. 176 pp.
Behrens, David W.
Alicia Hermosillo. 2005. Eastern Pacific
Nudibranchs. Sea
Challengers, Monterey. 137 pp.
Bertsch, Hans &
Johnson. 1981. Hawaiian Nudibranchs. China
Printing Co., Inc. Taipei, Taiwan. 112 pp.
Bleakney, J. Sherman. 1996. Sea Slugs of Atlantic Canada and the Gulf of Maine. Nimbus Publishing Ltd, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 216 pp.
Boutet, Michel, Robert Gourguet & Jean Letourneux. 2020. Marine molluscs of French Polynesia. Au Vent Des Iles. 766 pp.
Chave, E. H. &
Malahoff. 1998. In Deeper Waters.
Hawaii Press, Honolulu. 125 pp.
Cobb, Gary
& Richard Willan. 2006. Undersea Jewels: A
Color Guide
Nudibranchs. 310 pp.
Colin, Patrick L.
Charles Arneson. 1995. Tropical Pacific
Invertebrates. Coral Reef Press, Beverly Hills. 296
Coleman, Neville.
1989. Nudibranchs of the South Pacific. Nevile
Sea Australia Resource Center, Springwood,
Australia. 64 pp.
Coleman, Neville.
2001. 1001 Nudibranchs. Neville Coleman's Underwater
Geographic, Springwood, Australia. 144 pp.
Coleman, Neville.
2008. Nudibranchs Encyclopedia: Catalogue of Asia.
Sea Slugs. Neville Coleman's Underwater Geographic
Pty Ltd. 416 pp.
Colin, Patrick &
Arneson. 1995. Tropical Pacific
Invertebrates. Coral Reef Press,
Beverly Hills. 296 pp.
Terrence M. Gosliner & Angel Valdes.
2005. Field
to the Sea Slugs of the Tropical Eastern Pacific.
Academy of Sciences, San Francisco. 129 pp.
Debelius, Helmut.
1996. Nudibranchs and Sea Snails Indo-Pacific Field
IKAN-Unsterwasserarchiv, Frankfurt. 321 pp.
Debelius, Helmut
Rudy Kuiter. 2007. Nudibranchs of the
IKAN-Unterwasserarchiv, Frankfurt. 360 pp.
Edmondson, Charles
1946. Reef
Shore Fauna of Hawaii. Special Publication of the
Bernice P. Bishop Museum. Honolulu. 381 pp.
Eydoux, J. F. & F. L. Souleyet. 1852. Voyage autour du Monde
execute pendant les annees 1836 et 1837 sur la corvette La Bonite.
Paris. Zoologique Mollusques, Vol. 2, 644 pp.
Fielding, Ann.
1979. Hawaiian
and Tidepools. Oriental Pub. Co.,
Honolulu. 103 pp.
Gosliner, Terrence.
1987. Nudibranchs
Southern Africa. Sea Challengers,
Monterey. 136 pp.
Gosliner, Terrence,
W. Behrens & Gary C. Williams. 1996.
Coral Reef
of the Indo-Pacific. Sea Challengers, Monterey. 314
Gosliner, Terrence,
W. Behrens & Angel Valdez. 2008.
Nudibranchs and Sea Slugs: A Field Guide to the
World's Most Diverse
Fauna. Sea Challengers Natural History Books, Gig
Washington. 425 pp.
Gosliner, Terrence,
Angel Valdez & David Behrens. 2015. Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification--Indo-Pacific. New World Publications, Jacksonville, Florida. 408 pp.
Gosliner, Terrence,
Angel Valdez & David Behrens. 2018. Nudibranch and Sea Slug Identification--Indo-Pacific, 2nd edition. New World Publications, Jacksonville, Florida. 452 pp.
Hazime, Masuda,
Hiroharu, Rin Kimiyoshi & Kobayashi Yasushi.
1986. Marine
Invertebrates. Tokai University Press. 256 pp.
Hermosilla, Alicia,
W. Behrens & Eduardo Rios Jara.
2006. Opistobranquios
de Mexico. 143 pp.
Nudibrancches de Nouvelle-Caledonie et autres
Opisthobranches. 401 pp.
Hickman, jr.,
Cleveland P.
& Yves Finet. 1999. A Field Guide to
Mollusks of
Galapagos. 150 pp.
Hoover, John P.
1997. Hawaii's Underwater Paradise. Mutual Publishing, Honolulu. 64
Hoover, John P.
1998. Hawaii's Sea Creatures, A Guide to Hawaii's
Invertebrates. Mutual Publishing, Honolulu. 366
Hoover, John P.
2006. Hawaii's Sea Creatures, A Guide to Hawaii's
Invertebrates (revised edition). Mutual Publishing,
Honolulu. 366
Huisman, John M.,
A. Abbott & Celia M. Smith. 2007.
Hawaiian Reef
Plants. University
of Hawai‘i Sea
Grant College Program, Honolulu. 264 pp.
Humann, Paul &
Deloach. 2010. Reef Creature
Identification: Tropical Pacific.
New World Publications, Jacksonville. 497 pp.
Johnson, Scott. 1982. Living Seashells. Oriental Publishing Company, Honolulu, Hawaii. 117 pp.
Kay, Alison E.
1979. Hawaiian Marine Shells: Reef and Shore Fauna
Hawaii-Section 4. Mollusca. Bishop Museum Press,
Honolulu. 653 pp.
Kay, Alison E.
& Olive
Schoenberg-Dole. 1991. Shells of Hawaii.
of Hawaii Press, Honolulu. 87 pp.
Koh, Dong Bum.
2006. Sea Slugs of Korea. Pungdeung Publishing,
Korea. 248 pp.
Lalli, Carol M. &
R. W.
Gilmer. 1989. Pelagic Snails. Stanford:
University Press, Stanford. 259 pp.
MacFarland, Frank Mace. 1966. Studies of Opisthbranchiate Mollusks of the Pacific Coast of North America. California Academy of Sciences. 546 pp.
Marshall, Julie G.
Richard C. Willan. 1999. Nudibranchs of
Great Barrier Reef. Backhuys Publishers, Leiden, The
256 pp.
McDonald, Gary R. 1980. Guide to the Nudibranchs of California:
Including Most Species Found from Alaska to Oregon. American
Malacologists. 72 pp.
Milisen, Jeff. 2020. A Field Guide to Blackwater Diving in Hawai'i. Mutual Publishing. Honolulu, Hawaii. 282 pp.
Moles, Juan, B. Brenzinger, M. I. Berning, A. Martynov, T. Korshunova & M. Schrödl.
2023. Systematic rearrangements in an all-genus phylogeny of
side-gilled slugs (Heterobranchia: Pleurobranchida). Zoological Journal
of the Linnean Society. DOI: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlad162.
Morris, P. A. 1974. Pacific Coast Shells (2nd edition). Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. 297 pp.
Nakano, Rie.
Opisthobranchs of Japan Islands. Ruttles, inc,
304 pp.
Okutani, Takashi.
2000. Marine Mollusks in Japan. Tokai University
Press, Tokyo. 1221 pp.
Ono, Atsushi.
Opisthobranchs of Kerama Islands. TBS-Britannica
Tokyo. 183 pp.
Ono, Atsushi.
Opisthobranchs of Ryukyu Islands. Ruttles, inc,
Tokyo. 304 pp.
Orr, J. D. 1981.
Kong Nudibranchs. Urban Council of Hong Kong. 82 pp.
Picton, B. E. &
C. C. 1994. A Field Guide to the
Nudibranchs of the
Isles. Immel Publishing Ltd., 20 Berkeley Street,
London. 128 pp.
Quirk, Stephen & Betsy Harrison. 1972. Hawaiian Seashells. Bloom Enterprises, Honolulu. 30 pp.
Quirk, Stephen J.
G. &
Charles S. Wolfe. 1974. Seashells of
Hawaii. W
Distributors Ltd., Honolulu. 32 pp.
Ryanskiy, Andrey & Yury Ivanov. 2019. Nudibranchs of the Coral Triangle: Reef ID Books. Andrey Ryanskiy. 150 pp.
Salvat, Bernard & Philippe Bacchet. 2011. Guide des Recifs Coralliens de Tahiti et Ses Iles. Au Vent des Isles. 365 pp.
Schrodl, Michael. 2003. Sea Slugs of Southern South America. ConchBooks, Hackenheim, Germany. 165 pp
Severns, Mike.
Hawaiian Seashells. Island Heritage Publishing,
'Aiea, Hawaii.
277 pp.
Severns, Mike.
Shells of the Hawaiian Islands-the Sea Shells.
ConchBooks, Hackenheim,
Germany. 562 pp.
Suzuki, Keiu.
Opisthobranchs of Izu Peninsula.
TBS-Britannica Co., Tokyo. 178
Takamasa, Tonozuka.
2003. Opisthobranchs of Bali and Indonesia. Hankyu
Communications Co.,
Tokyo. 164 pp.
Tinker, S. 1952. Pacific Sea Shells. Mercantile, Honolulu. 230 pp.
Tinker, S. 1958. Pacific Sea Shells (revised edition). Charles E. Tuttle Company, Rutland, Vermont. 240 pp.
Valdes, Angel, Jeff
Hamann, David W. Behrens & Anne DuPont.
2006. Caribbean Sea
Slugs. Sea Challengers Natural History Books, Gig
Washington. 289 pp.
Van der Spoel, S.
1967. Euthecosomata,
Group with Remarkable Developmental Stages
(Gastropods, Pteropoda). Gorinchem: H. Noorduijn.
375 pp.
Wells, Fred E.
W. Bryce. 1993. Sea Slugs of Western
Australia. Western Australian Museum, Perth,
Australia. 184 pp.
Willan, Richard C. & Neville Coleman. 1984. Nudibranchs of Australasia. Neville Coleman's AMPI, Springwood, Australia. 56 pp.
Wrobell, David
Claudia Mills. 1998. Pacific Coast Pelagic
Invertebrates. Sea Challengers, Monterey,
California. 108 pp.
Yonow, Nathalie.
2008. Sea Slugs of the Red Sea. Pensoft. 304 pp.
Zsilavecz, Guido.
2007. Nudibranchs of the Cape Peninsula and False
Bay. 104 pp.
Alexander, J. & A. Valdes. 2013. The ring
doesn't mean a thing: Molecular data suggest a new taxonomy for two
Pacific species of sea hares (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia, Aplysiidae).
Pacific Science 67(2): 283-294.
Austin, J., T. Gosliner & M. A. E. Malaquias. 2018. Systematic revision, diversity patterns and trophic ecology of the tropical Indo-West Pacific sea slug genus Phanerophthalmus A. Adams, 1850 (Cephalaspidea, Haminoeidae). Invertebrate Systematics 32. 1336–1387. https://doi.org/10.1071/IS17086.
Baba, K.
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Bergh, 1896 from Japan and Hawaii
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Baba, K. & I. Hamatani. 1963. Anatomy
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of the Seto Marine Biological Laboratory 11(2):
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2005. Living fossils among tiny Allogastropoda with
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the Gulf of Aqaba with remarks on fossil and recent
relatives. Mitt. Geol.-Paläont. Inst.
Universität Hamburg 89: 1-24.
Bazzicalupo, E., F. Crocetta, T. M. Gosliner, V. Berteaux-Lecellier, Y. E. Camacho-García, S. Chandran & A. Valdes.
2020. Molecular and morphological systematics of Bursatella leachii de
Blainville, 1817 and Stylocheilus striatus Quoy & Gaimard, 1832
reveal cryptic diversity in pantropically distributed taxa (Mollusca :
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Johnson. 1980. Preliminary analysis of the
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Opisthobranchia). Festivus 12(6): 73-77.
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(Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia) from the Hawaiian
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Hoff. 2003. The opisthobranchs of the
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Micronesica 35-36: 271-293.
Carmona, L., M. Pola, T. M. Gosliner, & J. L. Cervera. 2013. A Tale That Morphology Fails to Tell: A Molecular Phylogeny of Aeolidiidae (Aeolidida, Nudibranchia,
Gastropoda). PLoS ONE 8(5): e63000. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063000
Carmona, L., M. Pola, T. M. Gosliner, & J. L. Cervera. 2014.
The end of a long controversy: systematics of the genus Limenandra
(Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Aeolidiidae). Helgoland Marine Research, 68:
Carmona, L., M. Pola, T. M. Gosliner, & J. L. Cervera. 2014. Review of Baeolidia,
the largest genus of Aeolidiidae (Mollusca: Nudibranchia), with the
description of five new species. Zootaxa 3802 (4): 477–514.
Carmona, L., B. R. Lei, M. Pola, T. M. Gosliner, A. Valdes & J. L. Cervera. 2014. Untangling the Spurilla neapolitana
(Delle Chiaje, 1841) species complex: a review of the genus Spurilla
Bergh, 1864 (Mollusca: Nudibranchia: Aeolidiidae). Zoological Journal of
the Linnean Society: 170 132–154.
Carmona, L., V. Bhave, R. Salunkhe, M. Pola, T. M. Gosliner & J. L. Cervera. 2014. Systematic review of Anteaeolidiella
(Mollusca, Nudibranchia, Aeolidiidae) based on morphological and
molecular data, with a description of three new species. Zoological
Journal of
the Linnean Society 171: 108–132.
Carmona, L., M. Pola, T. Gosliner & J. Cervera. 2017.
Integrative taxonomy and biogeography of the genus Bulbaeolidia
(Nudibranchia: Aeolidida). Journal of Molluscan Studiea, 83(4), 440-450.
Cella, K., L. Carmona, I.Ekimova, A. Chichvarkhin, D. Schepetov & T. M. Gosliner.
2016. A Radical Solution: The Phylogeny of the Nudibranch Family
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Chan, J. M. &
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2013, Parallel changes in genital morphology delineate cryptic
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Churchill, C. K. C.; A. Valdes, A; D. Ó Foighil. 2014. Molecular
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Epstein, H. E., J. M. Hallas, R. F. Johnson, A. Lopez & T. M. Gosliner. 2018. Reading between the lines: revealing cryptic species diversity and colour patterns in Hypselodoris nudibranchs (Mollusca: Heterobranchia: Chromodorididae). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, XX, 1–74.
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