Additional Photos

young, 2 mm

Unidentified Discodorid sp. #8

Maximum size: 7 mm.
is a small cream species flecked with white. The white flecks are
concentrated into three clusters on each side of the notum and a few
narrow, crisp brown lines radiate from the clusters. The branchia are
located far to the rear and there is a brown ring around the base of
the anal papilla. The rhinophores are cream with dark brown medial
splotches on their dorsal surfaces. The crisp brown lines, brown ringed
anal papilla and brown splotches on the rhinophores distinguish it from
sp. #4.
Natural history: Unidentified discodorid sp. #8
is known from only three animals. Two were found in protected to
exposed rocky habitats at depths of about 1 m (3 ft) while the third
was found in a Halimeda kanaloana
bed at 9-11 m (30-36 ft).
Maui: possibly known from Japan.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first
recorded in Hawaii from Hekili Point, Maui by CP on Oct. 28, 1993. Some sources place it in the genus Tayuva.
Photo: CP: 7
mm: Hekili Point, Maui; Oct. 28, 1993.
Observations and comments:
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