Additional Photos


Paradoris sp. #7

Maximum size: 12 mm.
This is a slender, gray dorid with widely spaced papillae tipped with
light brown, dark brown or white. The branchia are brown without white "frosting."
Natural history:
Paradoris sp. #7
is known from two animals found at moderately exposed rocky
sites at < 7 m (< 23 ft). (Note 1)
Maui: possibly also known from Japan.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first recorded in Hawaii from Mala Wharf, Maui by CP on Nov. 21, 2000.
Photo: PF: 12
mm: found by CP; Mala Wharf, Maui; Nov. 21, 2000.
Observations and comments:
1: Karolle Wall described the young animal as "found in grey sponge."