Additional Photos




Discodorid #18

Maximum size: 3 mm.
is a small, bright-orange dorid. (Note 1) The
notum appears smooth with dusky blotches and minute brown flecks. The
rhinophores are conical with short nipple-like tips. The posterior faces
of the rhinophores are orange but their tips and anterior faces appear
to have brown and cream maculations. There are six orange branchia with
opaque white pigment on the rachis and a few faint white flecks on the edges.
The anal papilla is white. Alex Dutcher described it as "firm to the touch."
Natural history:
#18 is known from one animal found at a moderately protected, back-reef
site in a mixed habitat. It was found at night at a depth of about 2.4 m
(8 ft).
Distribution: Kauai.
Taxonomic notes:
seems most likely that this
species is a discodorid but the family remains somewhat uncertain.
Superficially, it looks closest to Rostanga but the smooth surface
and broad branchia seem atypical. It appears to lack the dorsal ridges of Diaulula sp. #1. It was first recorded
in Hawaii from Lawa'i Beach (Beach House), Kauai by Alex Dutcher on Sept. 15, 2018.
Photo: Kyle Pias: 3 mm: found by Alex Dutcher; Lawa'i Beach (Beach House), Kauai; Sept. 15, 2018.
Observations and comments:
1: Alex says that the color in the
field was closer to the darker-orange shots from her camera than to the
lighter-orange close-ups from Kyle's camera.