Additional Photos




Carminodoris sp. #21

Maximum size: about 30 mm.
a translucent-gray dorid minutely flecked with darker gray. The center
of the notum is rust-brown and the anterior margin is
translucent-yellow. The notum is
covered with small, rounded tubercles and scattered enlarged tubercles
are weakly compound and tipped in diffuse-white. The rhinophore bases
are rust-brown, minutely flecked with gray, while the apexes are
flammulated with white and brown. The branchia are cream with a few
small gray flecks on the dorsal surface.
Natural history:
Carminodoris sp.
#21 is known from one animal found crawling on sand in a Halimeda kanaloana bed at about 29 m (95 ft).
Distribution: Big Island.
Taxonomic notes: The pattern of enlarged tubercles seems atypical for Carminodoris but other characters match the genus. It's somewhat similar to an animal from the Marshall's on Scott Johnson's site. It was first recorded
in Hawaii from off Honokohau Harbor, Big Island by Ryan Boerema on July 7, 2022.
Photo: Ryan Boerema: about 30 mm: off Honokohau Harbor, Big Island; July 7, 2022.
Observations and comments:
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