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Sebadoris fragilis (Alder
& Hancock, 1864)

Maximum size: about 30 mm.
a flattened, evenly papillate, light brown species decorated
with dark brown patches that override the papillae. The rhinophores and
branchia are cream flecked with dark brown.
Natural history:
The one known
animal was found in rubble at 10-20 m (33-66 ft).
Maro Reef: also known from Madagascar.
Taxonomic notes: Discodoris fragilis (Alder and Hancock, 1864), described from elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific as Doris fragilis,
is this species although the species illustrated in Kay (1979),
Kay & Young (1969) and Bertsch & Johnson (1981) as Discodoris fragilis is actually Discodoris lilacina, instead. (Dayrat, 2010) Sebadoris fragilis was first
in Hawaii from Maro Reef by the cruise dive team on
Sept. 14, 2002.
Photo: Keoki
Stender: about 30 mm: found by cruise dive team; Maro Reef; Sept.
14, 2002.
Observations and comments:
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