Additional Photos

food hydroid

Cumanotus(?) sp. #1

Maximum Size: ( )
has long, flattened cerata that appear to originate far forward on the head. The ceratal core is prominent.
Natural History: Cumanotus(?)
sp. #1
is known from a single animal photographed clinging to the stalk of a
solitary hydroid (Monobranchium sp.) at a depth of 660 m (2165 ft). It probably feeds on the hydroid it's resting on.
Bank 8 (Northwestern Hawaiian Islands).
Taxonomic notes:
identity of this animal isn't completely certain from the photo. But,
the overall appearance seems consistent with the genus Cumanotus
and that genus is known to feed on large, solitary hydroids. It was
first recorded in Hawaii by the Undersea Research Laboratory (HURL)
during RCV-150 dive # R-240, principal investigator Amy Baco-Taylor, Oct
5, 2003.
HURL-NOAA archives, Amy Baco-Taylor (PI): 660 m (2165 ft); off Bank 8, Northwestern Hawaiian Islands; Oct 5, 2003.
Observations and comments:
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