Additional Photos



egg mass

Vellicola sp. #13

Maximum size: 7 mm.
This species has a thin, straw-colored shell with only a few faint,
spiral stria on its apex and base. The animal is translucent-cream
decorated with clusters of white flecks and short, randomly distributed
brown lines. Older animals tend to be darker. It may be distinguished
from Vellicola muscarius and Vellicola sp. #15 by its
thinner shell and lack of prominent apical and
basal striae.
Natural history: Vellicola sp. #13
a moderately common species found in rocky habitats from < 1 to 9 m
(< 3 to 30 ft). It occurs at moderately protected to highly
exposed sites and lays a spherical, cream egg mass that hatches in two to three days in the laboratory.
Big Island, Maui, Oahu, Kauai and French Frigate Shoals: widely distributed in the
western &
central Pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
Shells are present in various mixed lots at the Bishop Museum.
Photo: CP: 4
mm: Mokolea Point, Maui: July 23, 2005.
Observations and comments:
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