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Laemodonta octanfracta (Jonas, 1845)

Maximum size: 12 mm (Kay,
This species has a stout, light to dark brown shell with prominent spiral cords separated by deep striae.
There are two folds inside the outer lip and three folds on the
columella. The periostracum is decorated with short hairs in some live animals. (note one)
Natural history:
Shells of Laemodonta octanfracta are moderately rare in beach drift. Live animals may
be found under rocks in the supra-spray zone (with Melampus and Pedipes). (Kay, 1979) It appears to be more common in protected habitats on Oahu.
Maui and Oahu: widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
It's illustrated in Severns, 2011 as Laemodonta clausa (with the species we're including as Laemodonta sp. #1 listed as Laemodonta octanfracta).
However, we haven't been able to confirm that usage with WoRMS and
other sources. So, we're following Kay's usage pending further work. It's listed as Plecostrema striata in Edmondson, 1946.
Photo: CP: composite photo, same shell: 2017 MarineGeo; Kaneohe Bay, Oahu; May 21, 2017.
Observations and comments:
1: Gustav Paulay found the DNA from light and dark Kaneohe Bay animals to be indistinguishable (pers. com.).