Additional Photos

Janolus sp. #1

Maximum size: 12 mm.
The one collected animal autotomized many of its cerata and began to
deteriorate before it could be photographed. The following is a
slightly cleaned up transcription of the original notes: background
translucent brown; white frosting on the midline of the notum and on
the caruncle; a diamond-shaped reddish-purple patch on top of the head;
rhinophores heavily papillate with elongate, downward-pointing papillae
on their lower portions (like candle-drippings); cerata nearly
transparent; cerata "double pyramid-shaped", e.g., narrow at the base
and tip with a broad middle and more or less flattened sides (4?);
surface of cerata slightly lumpy; cerata with a noticeable "shelf" at
the widest point; shelf with a narrow band of fine, internal white
lines that form a "snake skin-like" filigree; a faint white spot at the
tips of the cerata.
Natural history:
Two Janolus sp. #1 were
found together under a rock at 5-7 m (16-23 ft). The site was
Taxonomic notes: It was first recorded in Hawaii at Honokohau, Maui by CP on Aug.
4, 1994.
Photo: PF:
12 mm: found by CP: Honokohau, Maui; Aug. 4, 1994.
Observations and comments:
1: ( )