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Herviera sp. #2

Maximum size: 2 mm shell
shell of this species is ovate with prominent axial ribs. It has
four whorls when mature and is uniformly light brown. The
axial ribs increase in size gradually at the transition between the
protoconch and teleoconch. That trait and its color distinguish it from Odostomella rosa. The uniform
color and more numerous axial ribs distinguish it from Herviera
gliriella. The animal is cream.
Natural history:
of Herviera sp. #2 are moderately common in beach drift. Live animals are found
occasionally in shallow rocky habitats.
Maui and French Frigate Shoals.
Taxonomic notes:
description of H. gliriella
in Kay, 1979 suggests that she may not have been distinguishing it from Odostomella rosa and Herviera sp. #2. John van Aartsen stated that he thinks these shells are also H. gliriella.
(pers. com.) However, they appear to be distinguishable based on a
suite of characters (without intergrading). So, we're leaving them
as a separate species pending DNA work.
Photo: CP:
Hekili Point, Maui; April 28, 2004(?).
Observations and comments:
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