Additional Photos

Goniobranchus(?) sp. #6

Maximum size: about 25 mm.
an elongate-oval species with a few small, conical pustules on the notum. The central part of the notum has fine white
reticulations on a yellow
ground. The lateral portion of the notum has a yellow marginal line
and a solid-white submarginal band. The rhinophores are clear and
the branchia are yellow-orange with white tips.
Natural history:
The one known Goniobranchus(?) sp. #6 was found in a mixed habitat at a moderately exposed site. It was
seen at night at a depth of about 7.6 m (25 ft).
Distribution: Kauai:
Taxonomic notes: This species was first recorded in Hawaii from Koloa Landing, Kauai by Jeremy
Bricco on March 15, 2016. It's not a close match for young specimens of
any of our listed Goniobranchus species (or reference photos from
elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific). Nor, is it a close match for species in
other genera (although Goniobranchus appears to be the most likely genus, there's still some uncertainty). (Note 1)
Photo: Jeremy Bricco: about 25 mm: Koloa Landing, Kauai; March 15, 2016.
Observations and comments:
1: The pattern in the center of the notum is somewhat reminiscent of young Goniobranchus albopunctatus from elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific. However, photos on-line
with lengths as low as 4 mm still show the adult coloration (which,
otherwise, is very different from this animal). Some other features are
close to the G. tinctoria group but without a close match.