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pale marks

interrupted lines


Hypselodoris alboterminata Gosliner
& Johnson, 1999

Maximum size: 18 mm.
dorid has an elongate, cream body with three parallel purple-pink
lines running the length of the notum (sometimes interrupted). There may
be a few short, pale marks surrounding the lines. The anterior and
mantle margins as well as the posterior margin of the foot are purple
with raised white spots. The rhinophores are white with two bands of
red-orange and the gills are cream with orange on the distal 2/3 of the
Natural history:
Hypselodoris alboterminata
is a rare, diurnal species found on rocky bottoms in
moderately protected to highly exposed locations at depths of 3-23 m (10-75 ft).
Big Island, Maui, Oahu, Midway and Kure.
Taxonomic notes:
This species was listed as "white
dots" in Bertsch and Johnson, 1981 and was first recorded in Hawaii by
Scott Johnson. It's also listed as Hypselodoris
sp. 2 in Hoover, 1998. The name means "white ends" in reference to the
dots on the
anterior and posterior ends of the animal. It's referred to as
the "white dot nudibranch" in Hoover, 1998 & 2006.
Photo: Mike
Severns: largest, 18 mm: found by PF; Makena, Maui; April 19, 1989.
Observations and comments:
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