Additional Photos

Clio cuspidata Bosc, 1802

Maximum size: ( )
Shells of this species are transparent-white. They have a
sharply curved apex and downward pointing lateral spines.
Natural history:
Clio cuspidata is a pelagic species that is rarely seen at night in near-shore waters. As shown in the
above photo, its shells are often colonized by the hydroid Campaniclava cleodorae (hydroid ID from Lalli & Gilmer, 1989).
Big Island and Oahu:
Taxonomic notes: It was probably first recorded in Hawaii off the Kona Coast of the Big Island by Joe Weston. (Note 1)
Photo: Joe Weston: side: 3 miles off the Kona Coast, Big
Island; 12 m (40 ft); at night.
Observations and comments:
1: Previously, we listed this species as occurring near Hawaii based
the range maps in Pelagic
Molluscs. However, Joe's photo confirms that it's present in near-shore waters.