Additional Photos

Chelidonura(?) sp. #3

Maximum size: ( )
remaining portion of the shell is similar to the apex of other
listed Chelidonura spp.
shells. However, the protoconch is
approximately twice the diameter of the protoconch in those species.
Natural history:
Chelidonura(?) sp.
#3 is
known from only two damaged shells found in sand samples from
depths of 58-61 m (190-200 ft).
Taxonomic notes:
It was first
recorded in Hawaii from off Makena, Maui by CP; in sand
samples provided by Mike Severns and PF on Dec. 4, 1991.
Photo: CP:
remaining portion, 1.1 mm: from sand sample provided by Mike Severns
and PF:
off Makena, Maui; Dec. 4, 1991.
Observations and comments:
1: ( )