Breakdown of Known Hawaiian Opisthobranchs by
For those who are
interested in
figures for the benthic fauna, the following table excludes the
pelagic/planktonic species in the Thecosomata and Gymnosomata as well
as Stylocheilus longicauda, Cephalopyge trematoides, Phylliroe
bucephala, Doto sp. #1, Unidentified Facelinid sp. #9, Fiona pinnata, Glaucus mcfarlanei and Glaucus atlanticus. |
For reference, here are the
number of species included in the addendums on our site. They add 100
non-opisthobranch heterobranchs making the totals 697 heterobranch
species for Hawaii and 656 benthic heterobranch species for Hawaii.