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Turbonilla kahoolawensis (Pilsbry, 1918)

Maximum size: 4.2 mm shell
of this species is slender with prominent axial ribs. The
angle of coiling is somewhat variable.
Natural history:
of Turbonilla kahoolawensis
are moderately common in beach drift. Live animals are occasionally
found in shallow rocky habitats. According to Kay (1979), shells are
found in sand samples to 40 m (131 ft).
Maui, Kahoolawe, Oahu, Kauai, French Frigate Shoals and Midway.
Taxonomic notes: This species is listed in Kay, 1979 as Turbonilla lirata. It is probably also listed in Severns, 2011 as Turbonilla lirata, Turbonilla kauaiensis and Turbonilla oblectomentum (the illustrated shells appear to be within the range of variation for T. kahoolawensis and, in our opinion, Kay was probably correct in synonymizing the Hawaiian material).
Photo: CP:
composite photo, two shells; largest 2.9 mm: beach drift, La Perouse
Bay, Maui; fall, 1985.
Observations and comments:
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