Additional Photos

2nd view

3rd view

more yellow

Thuridilla cf. vatae (Risbec. 1928)

Maximum size: about 25 mm.
a cloudy-blue body variably decorated with diffuse black and yellow patches. The
rhinophores are bluish-cream with brick-red tips and the parapodia may have yellow/orange
marginal lines.
Natural history:
Thuridilla cf. vatae
is known from four animals. Three were found at a depth of 2-3 m (3-10 ft)
in a mixed habitat. The other was found at 13 m (44 ft) on dead coral.
Maui: Thuridilla vatae is widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
species may be T. vatae. However, the bluer background and
marginal lines on the parapodia suggest some degree of genetic isolation
from populations found elsewhere in the Indo-Pacific. It was first
found in Hawaii outside the Ko'ie'ie Fishpond, North Kihei, Maui by Tara
Branham on
Nov. 23, 2018.
Photo: Karolle Wall: about 25 mm: found by Tara Branham; outside Ko'ie'ie Fishpond, Kalepolepo, Maui; Nov. 23, 2018.
Observations and comments:
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