Additional Photos

2nd animal






Syphonota geographica (A. Adams & Reeve, 1850)

Maximum size: about 70 mm.
an olive-green species intricately patterned in cream flecks and lines. The
parapodia are high and the rhinophores are small, close-set and
located far back on the head near the anterior margin of the
Natural history: On Maui, Syphonota geographica
is known from about six animals found on sand at 6-7 m (20-22 ft). (Note 1)
Like Aplysia reticulata, it may engage in sustained swimming. (Note 2) Elsewhere, the species feeds on the sea grass, Halophila sp.
Big Island, Maui and Midway: circumtropical.
Taxonomic notes: It was first found in Hawaii at Maalaea Bay, Maui by Patty Daly on July 14, 2021.
Photo: Rebecca Bicker: about 25 mm: found by Patty Daly; Maalaea Bay, Maui; July 14, 2021.
Observations and comments
1: Rebecca Bicker reported that the 1st animal "moves just like an inchworm" suggesting that it crawls in a manner similar to Aplysia juliana.
However, she reported that the 2nd animal did not crawl in that manner.
She also said that the 1st animal was one of a group of around four
when found.
Note 2:
Ryan Boerema found one swimming in the water column, at night, at a
protected site with a silty bottom. It was initially seen at a depth of
about 1 m (3 ft), then swam into deeper water while observed (over a
period of at least seven minutes).