Additional Photos

Pupa pudica (A. Adams, 1854d)

Maximum size: 22 mm shell
length (Bishop Museum material).
This species has a strongly calcified shell with closely spaced
striae and broad flesh-colored patches.
Natural history:
Pupa pudica
appears to be largely confined to deep water with dredged shells at the
Bishop Museum ranging from 43 m (141 ft) to at least 366 m (1200 ft).
Maui and Oahu.
Taxonomic notes:
The photo of this species in Kay, 1979 is mislabeled as Pupa tessellata as is the photo in Kay & Schoenberg-Dole, 1991. It's listed as Pupa cf. pudica in Severns, 2011.
Photo: Mike
Severns: 15 mm: composite photo, same shell: Maui.
Observations and comments:
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