Additional Photos


cerata detail


Phyllodesmium undulatum Moore & Gosliner, 2014

Maximum size: about 15 mm.
a translucent-cream species with longitudinal white lines on its
notum. The digestive gland in the cerata is unbranched and undulating. A
subapical patch of translucent-orange pigment in the overlying ceratal
tissue gives that portion of the digestive gland an orange tint. In
addition, the cerata may show a touch of blue iridescence (depending
on lighting). The rhinophores are
smooth and banded with white.
Natural history:
Phyllodesmium undulatum
is known from two animals found on the gorgonian, Melithaea bicolor (on which it
apparently feeds). They were found at about 10 m (33 ft) on a shaded
vertical wall. The site was moderately exposed to exposed.
Oahu: widely distributed in the Pacific.
Taxonomic notes: It was first recorded in Hawaii at Pupukea, Oahu by Damaris Torres-Pulliza and
Roney Rodrigues on Sept. 10, 2023.
Photo: Damaris Torres-Pulliza: about 15 mm: Pupukea, Oahu, Sept. 30, 2023.
Observations and comments:
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