Additional Photos


young, 10 mm


eye stalk detail

Peronia platei (Hoffmann, 1928)

Maximum size: about 35 mm.
This is a grayish-black slug-like animal with a dorsal surface covered
by variably sized tubercles. They resemble land slugs in that their
eyes are on the tips of stalks.
Natural history:
Peronia platei
is a common species in the high intertidal on rocky shorelines
and on overhanging kiawi branches. It probably does most of its feeding
at night while exposed during low tides and appears to graze on
microalgae. (Note 1)
Big Island, Maui, Oahu and Kauai: widely distributed in the central Pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
It's listed as Peronia sp. in Edmondson, 1946. It's listed as Onchidium verruculatum
(corrected in 2019 printing) and referred to as the "warty slug" in
Hoover, 1998 & 2006. In later printings, Hoover lists it as Peronia verruculatum. It's also listed as O. verruculatum in Kay, 1979. Dayrat, et. al. (2011) recovered the Hawaiian population as distinct listing it as Peronia sp. #1.
Photo: CP:
about 35 mm: Hekili Point, Maui; Nov. 19, 2007.
Observations and comments:
1: Although Kay (1979) states that it feeds on the red algae Ahnfeltia, we haven't been able to confirm the observation.