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small form, 4.9 mm

Nesiodostomia quinta (Pilsbry,

Maximum size: 7 mm shell
length (Kay, 1979).
of this species are relatively large for the genus with an
evenly curved profile and moderately shallow suture. Unworn shells often have a few faint spiral striae. Some shells that
seem otherwise identical are proportionately smaller (see photo).
Natural history:
of Nesiodostomia quinta
are moderately common in beach drift.
Maui, Oahu and Kauai.
Taxonomic notes: This species is listed as Eulimella quinta in Severns, 2011. It may also be listed in Severns, 2011 as Eulimella prima and Eulimella tertia (the types of both probably fall within the range of variation for N. quinta (with N. tertia being an atypical shell with an attenuate apex) and both Odostomia prima and O. tertia are listed as synonyms of N. quinta in Kay, 1979. There
is some possibility that the proportionately smaller shells might
be a separate species. (see photo)
Photo: CP:
composite photo, two shells; largest 6.5 mm: beach drift, Maalaea Bay,
Maui; fall, 1986.
Observations and comments:
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