Additional Photos



1st animal

Murphydoris sp. #2

Maximum size: about 10 mm.
has a heavily spiculate, cream body minutely frosted with white. The
simple rhinophores
and small extra-branchial processes are tipped in red. There is a
low shelf around the bases of the rhinophores that has a serrated/tuberculate edge.
Rows of low, irregular tubercles extend backward from the shelf on each
side. There may be faint brownish patches between the tubercles and
there are no branchia.
Natural history:
Murphydoris sp.
#2 is known from two animals. The first was found in a Halimeda
kanaloana bed at 9-17 m (30-55 ft). The second was found on algal turf at about 6 m (20 ft) at a moderately protected site.
Big Island and Maui.
Taxonomic notes: It was first
recorded in Hawaii from near McGregor Point, Maui by PF on Nov.
8, 2008. It was formerly listed as Goniodoridella sp. #2.
Photo: Damaris
Torres-Pulliza: about 10 mm: found by Damaris Torres-Pulliza &
Roney Rodrigues; Kawaihae, Big Island; July 12, 2024.
Observations and comments:
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