Additional Photos



young, 3 mm


egg mass

Liloa mongii (Audouin, 1826)

Maximum size: 18 mm
(extrapolated from shell length).
species has a thin, transparent, cylindrical shell with fine,
evenly-spaced spiral striae. The animal is translucent-cream flecked
with white and violet-brown. It almost always has a cluster of
violet-brown flecks on top of its head behind the head shield. It may
be distinguished from Liloa porcellana by that trait, by
its thinner shell and by the presence of spiral striae in the center of
the shell at all sizes.
Natural history: Liloa mongii is a
common nocturnal species found in protected to exposed
patchy habitats and Halimeda
kanaloana beds from < 1 to 24 m (< 3 to 80 ft). It buries
itself in sand during the day. When disturbed, it can swim by flapping
its parapodia. It lays a spherical, white egg mass that hatches in
about three days in the laboratory.
Distribution: Maui, Oahu, Kauai, French Frigate Shoals, Laysan and Midway (also Johnston Atoll): widely
distributed in the Indo-Pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
species is listed as Haminoea curta in Kay, 1979 (although the photo may be of Liloa porcellana). Haminoea olopana (Pilsbry, 1921), Haminoea curta tomaculum
(Pilsbry, 1917) and Haminoea tomaculum (Pilsbry, 1921) are listed as synonyms in Kay, 1979. It's probably listed in Edmondson, 1946 as both H. curta and H. olopana). However, the descriptions and illustrations of H. tomaculum in Edmondson, 1946 and Pilsbry, 1917/1921 may refer to Liloa porcellana, instead. The photos labelled Liloa curta in Tinker, 1958 are also ambiguous. It's listed as Atys curta in Severns, 2011. It was first reported from Hawaii in von Martens, 1871.
Photo: CP: 15
mm: Hekili Point, Maui; Oct. 28, 2004.
Observations and comments:
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