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on black



Julia sp. #2

Maximum size: 5.8 mm
(extrapolated from shell length).
of this species is green densely spotted with cream. There
are no brown markings except for a small "stain" on the hinge. The
hinge tooth is proportionately larger and more strongly curved than in Julia
exquisita. The animal is translucent-green densely flecked with
white and white flecks form terminal, medial and basal bands on the
rhinophores. Small red-brown spots may show through the partially
translucent shell. (Note 1)
Natural history:
Julia sp. #2 is
known from only five live animals. However, the number of shells in
sand samples suggests that it's more common in deeper water. It's found
in moderately exposed to highly exposed rocky habitats at depths of
< 1 to11 m (< 3 to 35 ft).
Maui, Kauai, French Frigate Shoals and Midway: shells are also known from
Rarotonga and Tahiti.
Taxonomic notes:
animals were probably first recorded in Hawaii by PF off Makena, Maui
on Oct. 3, 1992.
Photo: CP:
4.2 mm: off Alelele Stream mouth, Maui; May 7, 1996.
Observations and comments:
1: Shells of this species show
moderately strong red fluorescence under ultraviolet light (395 nM), most
prominently when worn.