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confluent pigment


heavily spotted


on food sponge

with egg mass

Hypselodoris peasei (Bergh, 1880)

Maximum size: 20 mm.
is small and elongate with many parallel white
longitudinal lines on its light cream to peach notum. The notum may be
with blue-black. A deep blue or violet line encircles the mantle margin
and the edge of the foot. The rhinophores are white with two orange
bands and the gills are white with varying amounts of orange on the
outer surface. The rhinophore banding is variable in very young animals
and the orange pigment may be confluent on the anterior margins of the
rhinophores in old animals.
Natural history:
Hypselodoris peasei
is a common, diurnal species that is often found in groups feeding on
the yellow sponge Luffariella
It occurs in a variety of rocky habitats, as well as in Halimeda kanaloana beds, and has been found in protected to exposed locations from 2-64 m (6-209 ft). The white egg
masses are often found on or near the sponge and typically consist of
about two whorls.
Big Island, Maui, Lanai, Oahu, Kauai and Niihau.
Taxonomic notes:
species was listed as “locusts”
in Bertsch and Johnson, 1981 and was described as Hypselodoris andersoni in Bertsch
and Gosliner (1989). It is listed under that name in Hoover, 1998. It seems possible that Doris
prismatica var. lineata
Pease, 1860 was this species rather than Hypselodoris bertschi as suggested
in Kay, 1979. In that case, it was first reported from Hawaii in Pease, 1860. It was named for William Harper Pease who
described and
recorded over 300
species of Hawaiian mollusks. It's referred to as "Anderson's
nudibranch" in Hoover, 1998 and as the "locust
nudibranch" in Hoover, 2006. (Note 1)
Photo: John
Hoover: Magic Island, Oahu; Oct., 1997.
Observations and comments:
1: Due to variation in rhinophore
pigmentation and mantle gland distribution, there's some chance that
more than one species is being lumped under this name.