Hexabranchus sandwichensis (Gray, 1850)

shows an unusually dark
animal that lacks mottling on the notum and white rings on the bases of the
rhinophores (the lumpy surface, red rhinophore clubs and branchia
confirm it as H. sandwichensis rather than a solid-red H. aureomarginatus)
Photo: Alex Dutcher: PK's Bay, Kauai; July 20, 2018.

dark, mantle spread
shows an unusually dark
animal with the mantle spread (gill color confirms it as H. sandwichensis)
Photo: Bruce W.: Maipoina Beach Park, Maui; Sept. 5, 2018.

dark, transitioning
shows an animal transitioning to the dark phase
Photo: PF: Wahikuli, Maui; Nov. 6, 2010.