Hexabranchus sandwichensis (Gray, 1850)

egg mass
Photo: Mike Severns: Aug. 1988.

egg packets
shows egg packets embedded in ribbon shortly after laying
Photo: Kelly McCaffrey: Maalaea Bay, Maui; Feb. 13, 2022.

egg mass laid on highest available point
Photo: PF: Molokini Islet; May 13,

laying eggs

laying eggs, detail

completed egg mass
shows large animal laying eggs at night; completed mass photographed the following day
Photo: Pam Madden: about 200 mm: Ho'okena, Big Island; Dec. 19 & 20, 2021.

hatching egg mass
shows egg packets breaking up to release larvae; Favorinus japonicus
also present (top, right with egg mass in 1st photo; center, left in
2nd photo): Although there's some uncertainty whether the mass belongs
to this species or H. aureomarginatus, the width of the ribbon in the 1st photo and Shera's comments on populations at the location support H. sandwichensis.
Photos: Shera Chee Mercer: North Shore, Oahu; July 14, 2022.

egg mass with algae, side

egg mass with algae, top

egg mass with algae, detail
shows egg mass colonized by micro-algae; There's some uncertainty in assigning this mass to H. sandwichensis (John reports that most Hexabranchus in the area are H. aureomarginatus). However, the height of the ribbon is more typical of H. sandwichensis masses. Also, note the Favorinus japonicus egg mass in the "top" photo (white spiral).
Photo: John Horn: Ahukini Pier, Kauai; Sept. 19, 2022.