Additional Photos

internal structure

Gymnodoris sp. #9

Maximum size: about 3 mm.
This is a very small animal that lacks lamellae on its rhinophores. The branchia are absent or very reduced. (Note 1) It's cream in color with a few widely spaced orange spots.
Natural history:
Gymnodoris sp. #9
is known from a single animal found in Kaneohe Bay, Oahu. It ate an interstitial Philine sp. while observed and appeared to be carrying eggs. (Note 2)
Distribution: Oahu.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first
in Hawaii from Kaneohe Bay, Oahu by the meiofauna team during MarineGeo
in May, 2017. This animal seems to be a Gymnodorid but, due to its unusual features, there's some
chance that it could wind up in a different genus with further work.
Photo: Katharina Jörger: about 3 mm (photographed when contracted but measured when live): 2017 MarineGeo; found by meiofauna team; Kaneohe Bay, Oahu; May, 2017.
Observations and comments:
1: CP didn't notice any branchia when observing it under the scope but Katharina Jörger wrote in a subsequent e-mail: "The lack of gills and absence of lamella on the rhinophores (at least I
couldn't see them) confused me. That's why I didn't want to call it
Gymnodoris at first. But now that I check closely there actually might
be retracted small gills at the posterior end".
Note 2: Katharina Jörger wrote in a subsequent e-mail: "The specimen was approx.
3 mm and had just swallowed an entire Philine sp. in one piece. It does
contain eggs and I believe they are of the Gymnodoris and not of the