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Gleba cordata Forsskål in Niebuhr, 1776

Maximum size: ( )
Similar in size to Corolla spectabilis, this species is transparent with a broad swimming
plate. It possesses a gelatinous, internal pseudoconch instead of an
external calcareous shell. Mucous glands can be seen along the lateral
edges of the plate. The posterior edge of the plate is straight and the
posterior corners are notched. The proboscis is longer than in Corola.
Natural history:
Gleba cordata is a pelagic species that is rarely seen
at night in off-shore waters.
Big Island: circumtropical?
Taxonomic notes:
It was first recorded in Hawaii off the Kona Coast of the Big Island by Jeff Milisen on June 9, 2017.
Photo: Jeff Milisen (in A Field Guide to Blackwater Diving in Hawaii): off the Kona
Island; June 9, 2017.
Observations and comments: