Additional Photos


cerata detail

underside, faded



2nd animal

on food alga

releasing fluid

Ercolania sp. #7

Maximum size: 6 mm.
has a cream body with scattered white flecks and green
branches of the digestive gland extending into the sides of the head
and the basses of the rhinophores. There are many slender cerata and
the digestive gland forms ascending fine branches in their centers.
The outermost branches in the cerata are dark green and the tips of the
cerata are filled with cream masses (glandular?). Some animals may have a
faint orange tinge on the front of the head. Young animals may have
proportionately thicker and less elaborate branches of the digestive
Natural history:
Ercolania sp. #7
is a moderately rare species known on Maui from at least seven animals found in protected
moderately exposed areas as a depth of < 1 to 5 m (< 3 to 15 ft). They
a diurnal activity pattern when held and assumed a partially
contracted, pompom-like posture when resting. One animal held for four
days without food lost much of its green pigment. An additional 4-5
animals were found by Nikki Decker in clumps of Cladophoropsis sundanensis collected from a tide pool
at Makapu'u Beach, Oahu (suggesting that it feeds on that alga). It may release a milky-white defensive fluid when disturbed. (Note 1)
Big Island, Maui, Oahu and Kauai.
Taxonomic notes:
It was first
recorded in Hawaii from Hekili Point, Maui by CP on June, 25,
Photo: CP: 6
mm: Hekili Point, Maui; Nov. 29, 2004.
Observations and comments:
1: Karolle Wall reported observing
one "...just cruising along and all of a sudden it was covered in this
white cloudy stuff."