Additional Photos

Dendrodoris sp. #7

Maximum size: ( )
is an elongate species with widely spaced cream tubercles
surrounded by diffuse rings of dark pigment. The rhinophores are dark
brown and the branchia are located far to the rear. It lacks the
prominent brown patches between the tubercles that are characteristic
of Dendrodoris cf. albopurpura.
Natural history:
Dendrodoris sp.
#7 is known from only one animal.
Oahu: also known from Papua New Guinea and French Polynesia.
Taxonomic notes:
species is included as a color form of Dendrodoris albopurpura in
Gosliner, et. al., 2008. However, we suspect that it will turn out to
be a separate species. It was probably first recorded in Hawaii by Darrell Takaoka.
Photo: John
Hoover: found by Darrell Takaoka; Oahu.
Observations and comments:
1: ( )