Costasiella kuroshimae Ichikawa, 1993

with egg mass
shows older egg mass with patchy micro-algae on its surface
Photo: Kelly McCaffrey: found by Rebecca Bicker & Kelly McCaffrey; Maalaea Bay, Maui; July 26, 2021.

egg mass
shows older egg mass with
urine-yellow pigment on the outer faces of its whorls (perhaps, due to
concentration of colonizing micro-alga in that area?)
Photo: Kelly McCaffrey: found by Rebecca Bicker & Kelly McCaffrey; Maalaea Bay, Maui; July 19, 2021.

laying eggs
shows a relatively young, Costasiella kuroshimae on an egg mass surrounded by a mucous sheath (suggesting that it's in the process of laying)
Photo: Roney Rodrigues: west shore, Oahu; April 10, 2021.

more mature animal laying eggs
shows more mature animal laying eggs
Photo: Rebecca Bicker: Maalaea Bay, Maui; Aug. 26, 2021.

pair with several egg masses
shows a pair with several egg masses of varying age (six animals reported present on algal blade)
Photo: Rebecca Bicker: found by Rebecca Bicker & Kelly McCaffrey; Maalaea Bay, Maui; July 26, 2021.

egg mass overgrown by micro-algae
shows what appear to be yellow-green micro-algae colonizing the surface of an egg mass
Photos: Katherine Shepherd: Maalaea Bay, Maui; Oct. 17, 2021.