Additional Photos

Cossmannica japonica (Dall & Bartsch, 1906)

Maximum size: 5 mm shell
The shell of this species is slender and thin with a faint brown spiral
line. It differs from Cossmannica sp. #2
in having a deeper, more pronounced suture (more reminiscent of the
suture in Pyramidella sulcata though it's
much smaller than that species).
Natural history:
Only a few shells of Cossmannica japonica have been found in sand samples from Halimeda kanaloana beds taken at
9-20 m (30-66 ft).
Taxonomic notes: This species is listed as Tiberia japonica in Severns, 2011. It's also probably listed as Tiberia balteatus
(A. Adams, 1854) in Severns, 2011 (in our opinion, both illustrated
shells show the more pronounced suture typical of this species).
Photo: CP: 5
mm: sand sample, 9 m (30 ft), 3/4 mile west of Olowalu Stream, Maui;
July 17, 1996.
Observations and comments:
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