Additional Photos



Midway form

young, 8 mm

on hydroid


laying eggs

Caloria indica (Bergh, 1896)

Maximum size: 35 mm (Kay,
has a translucent-orange body. The cerata have white tips
with subapical yellow and cobalt-blue bands. The cephalic tentacles
have white tips and there are white lines running from the bases of the
cephalic tentacles to the bases of the rhinophores. Behind the
rhinophores, the white lines diverge again on the top of the head. The
rhinophores have orange tips and white medial bands. Rarely, the bands may be absent. (Note 1) The orange tips on
the rhinophores, the divergent white lines behind them and the lack of
red lozenges on the sides of the body distinguish the species
from Caloria
sp. #3.
Natural history:
Caloria indica is
a moderately common species found in moderately exposed to
highly exposed rocky habitats at depths of 2-18 m (6-60
ft). It appears to be generally diurnal but we've also seen it actively
foraging at night. If
feeds on the introduced hydroid Pennaria
disticha and lays an irregularly kinked white egg mass. (Note 2)
Big Island, Maui, Oahu, Kauai, Niihau and Midway: widely distributed in the Indo-Pacific.
Taxonomic notes:
the species listed as Caloria
militaris (Alder and Hancock, 1866) in Kay, 1979, Gosliner, 1980 and Bertsch &
Johnson, 1981. It's referred to as the "Indian nudibranch" in Hoover,
1998 although the photo is of Flabellina
exoptata. It's illustrated in the inset photo under F. exoptata in Hoover, 2006 and
corrected in the 5th printing. Some
authors list it as Phidiana indica.
first reported from Hawaii in Baba (1969). It's also listed at Caloria militaris
in Kay & Schoenberg-Dole, 1991 (but only the left animal in the
photo is this species). There's some chance that Midway animals could be
Photo: PF:
Honokohau, Maui; Aug. 5, 1994.
Observations and comments:
1: Midway animals are brighter and sometimes lack medial
white bands on their rhinophores.
Note 2: Jenna Szerlag took a sequence of
photos showing an animal eating a Pennaria disticha polyp. It appears to be consuming it from the
bottom up while letting the ball-like tentacle tips fall away. If this
behavior is typical, perhaps it allows the animal to avoid nematocysts concentrated in
the tentacle tips? (see photos)