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marginal line

Ardeadoris(?) sp. #4

Maximum size: about 20 mm.
has a wide, slightly undulating
margin and low, but distinct, rounded pustules about 0.5 mm in diameter
covering its notum. Body color is translucent gray with opaque white
covering the visceral area. The white pustules are more concentrated
mid-dorsally giving the animal an overall white appearance. There is a
wide, white submarginal band and (in some animals) a narrow, light yelow
marginal line.
The foot is gray with a yellow margin and white submarginal band. The
rhinophores are pointed, tapering, and transparent-white to
with about 15 slightly darker lamellae. The gills are comprised of 7-8
transparent stalks with minute reddish flecks. (summarized from
notes that Scott Johnson took upon examination of the living
Natural history:
Ardeadoris(?) sp.
is a rare species known from only a few animals. It's nocturnally
active and has been found under ledges and in small
caves in
moderately exposed to highly exposed habitats from 6-15 m (19-49
ft). It lays a white
egg mass attached on its thin edge and there is no extra-capsular yolk.
Big Island, Maui and Oahu.
Taxonomic notes:
some question whether this species is an Ardeadoris or Goniobranchus. However, it's similar to species with irregular white pustules that were moved to Ardeadoris in Johnson & Gosliner, 2012 (and, is most similar to Ardeodoris undaurum as illustrated in Gosliner, et. al., 2018). It
was first recorded in Hawaii from Puako, Big Island by
Scott Johnson on
April 27, 1981.
Photo: Sara Thiebaud: Haleiwa, Oahu; May 9, 2022.
Observations and comments:
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