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yellow band

more blue

on food sponge


Ardeadoris scottjohnsoni Bertsch &
Gosliner, 1989

Maximum size: 30 mm (Gosliner,
et. al., 2008).
has a soft, translucent-white body with an opaque-white
submarginal band. The crenelate mantle
edge overhangs slightly and has a pale gold marginal line.
The rhinophores are black with thin blue-white vertical lines on their
faces. The branchial plumes are white basally and black distally (often
with a blue-white line on the outer face). Rarely, it may have a
lemon-yellow interior marginal band or solid blue rhinophores and branchia. It is sometimes confused with Hiatodoris
fellowsi which is also
white with black gills and rhinophores. The latter species, however,
has a firm body and lacks the gold marginal line.
Natural history:
Ardeadoris scottjohnsoni
is rarely seen by divers on Maui but appears to be more common on Oahu.
It may be found under rocks or in the open in
rocky areas at moderately protected to exposed locations. It's been
recorded at depths of 5-20 m (16-65
ft) and vibrates its gills. It probably feeds on a cream sponge.
Big Island, Maui, Lanai, Oahu and Niihau: also known from Okinawa.
Taxonomic notes:
is the species that Bertsch and Johnson,
1981 listed as Chromodoris
sibogae, Berge, 1905a. In the 5th printing, Hoover, 2006 refers
to it as "Scott Johnson's nudibranch." It was first recorded in Hawaii
from Kahe
Oahu by Terry Gosliner in July, 1973 and was named for Scott Johnson.
Photo: Mike
Severns: 23 mm: found by PF; Molokini Islet, Maui; Sept. 19, 1987.
Observations and comments:
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