Additional Photos

young, 4 mm

Anteaeolidiella cf. takanosimensis (Baba, 1930)

Maximum size: ( )
closely spaced rhinophores and laterally directed
cerata. The body is cream, tinted with a large white patch behind the
head. Extensive white pigment on the cerata obscure the cnidosacs.
Subapical "windows" in the white pigment create dusky patches on the
outer faces of the cerata. The rhinophores are orange-red with small
white tips. The white pigment may be less extensive in small juveniles. (Note 1)
Natural history: Anteaeolidiella cf. takanosimensis
is known from two animals found at a depth of about 0.5 m (1.5 ft) at an
exposed, rocky site. A third, juvenile, animal was found at a
highly exposed rocky site at between 3 and 7.6 m (10 and 25 ft).
Maui and Oahu: Anteaeolidiella takanosimensis is known from Japan.
Taxonomic notes:
first recorded in Hawaii from Makua, Oahu by Scott Johnson on Sept. 19,
1979. The lack of red-orange tips and the more extensive white
frosting on the cerata distinguish the Hawaiian animals from those
found in Japan.
Photo: Scott Johnson: pair: Makua, Oahu; Sept. 19, 1979.
Observations and comments:
1: The 4 mm juvenile from Maui is
tentatively assigned to this species since the developing white pigment
is lower on the cerata than would be expected in Anteaeolidiella cacaotica while the markings on the rhinophores and habitat match Anteaeolidiella cf. takanosimensis.