Additional Photos



2nd animal


Acteocina sp. #1

Maximum size: 3.8 mm
(extrapolated from shell length).
This species has a thin, transparent shell with fine axial ribs and
spiral striae. It differs from the shell of Acteocina hawaiensis in lacking opaque
white bands and having a concave shoulder. As in A. hawaiensis, the spire is
variable in height. The animal is translucent-cream with white flecks,
some of which show through the transparent shell.
Natural history:
Acteocina sp. #1
is a moderately common burrowing species found in sand patches and
sand-saturated algal turf at moderately protected to moderately exposed
sites. It appears to be confined to depths of less than 3 m (10 ft)
and is
usually found at depths of less than 1 m (3 ft).
Taxonomic notes:
It's listed in Severns, 2011 as Acteocina sp. 1. It was first recorded in Hawaii at Hekili Point, Maui by CP in May, 1991.
Photo: CP:
Hekili Point, Maui; Oct. 5, 2002.
Observations and comments:
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