2016 NOAA-CREP Credits
All images
and information
from French Frigate Shoals are provided courtesy of the Papah'naumoku'kea
Monument, Hawaiian Islands National
Wildlife Refuge, the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands State Marine Refuge,
NOAA's Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center and CReefs in
accordance with the requisite permits.
In accordance with U.S. Fish and Wildlife's "compatibility
determination" status (our cruise was under USFWS, Monument and State
permits), the photos cannot currently be used for economic
gain. As long as there are no commercial activities associated
with these photos (i. e., selling products, videos, prints, etc) and
for educational/outreach use, you can use the CReefs images we provide
from the Census of Marine Life, Census of Coral Reefs (CReefs)
Expedition to French Frigate Shoals.